Previously I had shown a video as well as a text guide to add a Respring toggle to iPhone control center which said to be working on iPad and iPod Touch also. But because we got a lot of request to show how to add reboot toggle today we’re here with an all new guide to add quick Reboot Toggle in iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Rebooting iPhone is necessary after installing any theme or tweaks from Cydia app installer, Cydia won’t apply the theme until you reboot your iPhone. However rebooting iPad, iPhone isn’t necessary for each and every cydia tweaks but there are few where you need to reboot iOS device before you could see the changes.

iPhone Reboot Toggle

Here we will use the CCToggles tweaks to add Reboot Toggle in iPhone Control Center. There are lots of cydia tweaks available to perform this task but CCToggles is so far the best and easiest one to complete adding quick toggle to iOS 7 control center.

CCToggles is somewhat different from all other toggles tweaks available in Cydia App Installer, it doesn’t only have the option to add reboot toggle to iPhone, you could add several other quick toggle buttons like Respring, Power Off, Airplane mode, 3G toggle, VPN, One click mobile data connectivity, VPN and Reboot Toggle of course.

Ok! Enough discussion on CCToggle, now please show me how can I add Reboot Toggle to my iPhone, iPad & iPod touch.

This tweaks is a part of BigBoss repository, so in order to download and install this tweaks you need to add the BigBoss source to your Cydia app. In most of the cases BigBoss repo comes pre added to Cydia, however if this is not true in your cases then just watch the video below and add it. Then move to step 2.

How to Add Reboot Toggle to iPhone – iPad – iPod touch

Step 1 :-

BigBoss Source Adding

  1. Open Cydia from iPhone Springboard.
  2. Select More Package Source by scrolling toward the middle of Cydia.
  3. Now tap the BigBoss source and confirm it by selecting OK.
  4. That’s it, cydia will now start adding the selected repo.

Step 2 :-

Installing CCToggles

  1. Back to Cydia homepage.
  2. Select the Search option from bottom right corner.
  3. Type CCToggles in the search field.
  4. Tap Install, followed by Confirm.
  5. When done close the cydia app and exit to apps drawer.

Step 3 :-

Adding Reboot Toggle to iOS 7

  1. Open iPhone default setting app.
  2. Scroll to the end, you’ll find the CCToggles option.
  3. Tap it.
  4. Tap the Toggle option twice.
  5. Now Click on Edit.
  6. Drag & Drop Reboot option from DISABLED TOGGLES list to Enabled TOGGLES list.
  7. Tap Done.
  8. Close the Setting App.

So that’s it, now close the setting app and open iPhone Control Center there you’ll find Reboot toggle added. Tap it when needed to make your i-device restart or reboot automatically.

If you found this guide useful please like and share it, having any doubt ? feel free to comment down in comment section below. Thanks for following How to Add iPhone Reboot Toggle.


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