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Facebook Video Download

Download Facebook Video on iPhone & iPad using Prenesi

You can now download Facebook videos directly on your iPhone, iPad or iPod using the jailbreak tweak "Prenesi" which is available on Cydia for free....
Fix iPhone Hardware Failure

How to Install OpenSSH on iPhone/iPod without Cydia

This is an exclusive guide for those who wants to know How to Install OpenSSH on iPhone iPad or iPod touch without Cydia Installer....
notification center

Favorite Contacts 7 Not Working on iOS 7.1, iOS 7.1.1, iOS 7.1.2 – How to Fix

Many users have been complaining about the Notification Center Cydia Tweak Favorite Contacts 7 not working partially or completely on their devices using iOS 7.1,...
click on Start Jailbreak

How to Jailbreak iOS 8.1 using Pangu on Mac and Windows

 The Pangu team has finally come up with the untethered iOS 8.1 Jailbreak tool both for Mac and for Windows when people were not...
Best Notification Center Cydia Tweaks iOS 7

Best Free Cydia Tweaks for Notification Center iOS 7

Over the years a bunch of Cydia Tweaks have been released to customize the notification center ever since Cydia began. In iOS 7, the...
delete cydia tweak directly

How to delete Cydia tweaks directly from Springboard

Welcome back to CydiaOS, today we're here with an exclusive guide on Cydia. We'll show you how to delete cydia tweaks directly from springboad...
Add Startup Sound on iOS 7

How to Add Startup Sound on iOS 7 (Mac OS X Boot Sound)

If you got an Apple MacBook or computer running Mac OS X then you might have noticed that it Plays a mild sound while...
Add new repos to Cydia

Tips on Jailbreaking iPhones and iPads – Jailbreak iPhone 6 plus

Users ask us how to jailbreak their iOS device, all the time. Most of the time these are first time jailbreaking probably trying to...
Best iPhone Lockscreen iOS 7

JellyLock7 – Best iPhone/iPad Lock screen (iOS 7)

Are you bored with the default iOS 7 lock screen and want to get rid of it? Then you're at the right place because...
DetailedBatteryUsage Cydia Tweak

Unlock iPhone’s DetailedBatteryUsage Menu in iOS 8

Apple seems to have many surprising features hidden in its iOS 8 devices, especially iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus, which are indeed being...

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