Welcome back to CydiaOS, today we’re here with an exclusive guide on Cydia. We’ll show you how to delete cydia tweaks directly from springboad without opening the cydia application.
How many times it happens when you instal a cydia toggle tweaks or apps & it quit giving an unsupported error or by crashing the springboard. Then you need to restart your i-device and relaunch the cydia application to remove that unsupported tweak. So how about installing tweaks which enable direct deletion of cydia tweaks from springboard.
Our today’s guide is sort of, more precisely a perfect solution of what you’re going through. I will show you a detailed step by step on how to remove cydia tweak directly from apps drawer without opening cydia.

We’ll use an app which itself comes from cydia called CyDelete8, previously it was known as CyDelete but after the iOS 8 update it start throwing frequent error. However the developer Ryan Burke is one of those active cydia developer who immediately start working and released an update called Cydelete8 (iOS 7 and 8) which is working perfectly with iOS 8 and iOS 7.
Not all cydia tweaks leave an app icon on springboard, however there are couples which do. Cydelete8 can only delete those app which leave an icon on springboard. Some of those apps are Winterboard, iFile, Activator etc. In this guide, we’ve taken Winterboard as an example.
Now that you’re up for installing this awesome tweak, let me tell you one more feature of this application. It doesn’t only delete app directly, it also protect application from deleting. Yes, by default CyDelete8 protects the Cydia and Pangu from getting deleted. However there is option available to turn of the protection if you want.
Okay enough info, lets checkout how to install CyDelete8 and delete Cydia tweaks directly from springboard.
How to Delete Cydia Tweaks directly without Cydia
The said application is available only at Bigboss repo officially for free, so in order to download it you need to add bigboss repo on your device.
Bigboss comes pre-loaded with Pangu8 jailbreak, if you have it intact then just skip to the next section.
Adding BigBoss Repo
- Launch Cydia Application
- Scroll to the middle of the cydia homepage
- Select More package sources.
- Select Bigboss
- Tap Install > confirm.
Downloading Cydelete8
- Relaunch Cydia.
- Tap search icon from bottom-right corner.
- type Cydelete8
- select the second one (where iOS 7 and 8 written bracket)
- Install > confirm
- Reboot device.
That’s it, Cydelete8 comes enabled by default, so you don’t need to do anything just keep on deleting cydia tweaks directly from springboard. However if you ever want to customize the cydelete8 option then you can easily do that by opening the setting app > cydelete8.
Thanks for following our guide, hope it helped. Please like and share.
What do i do if I cant access Cydia at all? Recently I downloaded an application from Cydia called ‘Activator’. This has destroyed my once ability to open Cydia or even use my Ipad when it is jailbroken. I disabled the jailbreak but still have Cydia and all other downloaded tweaks. What can I do????
Let me check in to that for you. In the mean time please be specific about device and OS.
Same problem here. Can’t open Cydia at all. Downloaded bitesms and now nothing works.
Good news! I fixed it. What you need to do is back up your ipad (on computer) and then fully reset it. Then use your back up to get all your stuff back. Cydia should be uninstalled. Re-install Cydia and it should be working. Hope this helps