Tweetbot app is widely accepted as the No.1 Twitter Client on the iOS platform. The current version of this app, that is Tweetbot 3 is a well-designed alternative to the official Twitter app and has a more efficient and pronounced twitter environment when it comes to its interface with all its sounds and graphics.
However, it definitely misses out on a few important options offered by the Official Twitter app. Some of these drawbacks are: absence of quick access to people who favorited your tweets, individual notifications, Video support when on Cellular data etc. Now, all these features are well covered in the Twitter application.
Due to these differences, users are often torn apart between using Tweetbot app and Twitter‘s official app. If you are one such concerned user, and your iPhone, iPad or iPod is jailbroken, then Tweebot+ Cydia tweak is for you.
Enhance your Tweetbot experience using Tweetbot+ Cydia Tweak

Tweetbot+ for iOS 8 is a free Cydia Tweak that enriches your Twitter experience on the Tweetbot 3 app on your device by adding some cool and much needed options to it like the native access to who favorited your tweets, auto-rotation mode, streaming on LTE etc.
After installing Tweetbot+ cydia tweak, you can configure all the various bunch of options that this tweak adds. Under Settings -> Tweetbot+ you can choose these options:
Send Photos via DM, set Native Favorites by which to view who favorited your tweets, set Stream over LTE which allows Cellular streaming and lots of useful features.

Additionally, you can even add some Fake Info to your twitter account to bulk up your following. This feature works only on your device of course. It is probably best used as a prank on friends.
There are more features on this app than the average users can get their hands on. Some of our favorite features include the streaming, favorite and tweet length tweaks that are an awesome addition. All in all, there is something for everyone in this tweak.
This tweak works on all updates of iOS 8 including
iOS 8.0.1, iOS 8.0.2, iOS 8.0.3, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.1.1, iOS 8.1.2, iOS 8.1.3 and iOS 8.2 beta.
Also works on the following iDevices
iPhone 4s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus
iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad mini, iPad mini 2 or iPad mini retina and iPad mini 3
iPod Touch 4th generation and 5th generation
So, go ahead and try this awesome free Cydia tweak available on BigBoss repo. Do not forget to scribble down your responses in the comments below.
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